
A victory for the multi-stakeholder model

History is being made in ICANN this week in Marrakech – how exactly the Internet will be administered in the future is in the process of being taken forward. The ICANN Cross Community Working Group (CCWG) on Enhancing ICANN Accountability has released its final report, which was then approved by the CcNSO (Country Code Names Supporting Organization) yesterday, and is to go under the hammer of the ICANN Board today.


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The enormous effort of the CCWG has included over 200 meetings and nearly 14,000 emails, in a multi-stakeholder environment of more than 170 individuals from diverse cultures and professional backgrounds. These include government, industry, business, and civil society representatives from around the globe. The report, which was made available for public comment and was redrafted several times, is a consensus position of how ICANN should function in the post-IANA Transition environment.


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Lawyer Thomas Rickert, Co-Chair of the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Director of Names and Numbers in the eco Association, commented this week that the delivery of the report is “a victory for the multi-stakeholder model and ICANN to prove that this diverse group can come up with a cohesive report with real accountability enhancement in a relatively short period of time.” He went on to applaud the community for this remarkable achievement.